Stefano Pasini



(Places where a Bristol owner can find parts, friends, moral and technical support...)

Bristol Cars Ltd fornisce praticamente tutto e con un servizio eccellente, grazie a Brian Marelli Bristol Cars Limited can supply almost every part with a quick and friendly service, thanks to mr Brian Marelli

BCL can supply every spare part for classic Bristols, and it's one of the very few manufacturers still really catering for owners of old cars. I recommend asking them every time you need spares.
However, it is possible that they are temporarily out of stock on some parts, and one can therefore need to look for spares elsewhere. Here are some useful addresses

Falcon Sales fornisce ricambi per Mopar e quindi anche per il 318 Polyspheric delle Bristol 407-410
Falcon Sales

A very good suppliers of spares for 318 Polyspheric engines
Dbelectrical fornisce motorini d'avviamento e alternatori per motori Mopar dbelectrical is a good source for alternators and starter motors
Mike Eck ripara gli orologi Smiths montati sulle auto inglesi. Ha riparato bene il CE3136 della mia Bristol 409. Raccomandato Mike Eck repairs the delicate Smiths clocks fitted to British cars; he fixed the CE3136 fitted to my Bristol very well. Recommended

Online Forums and Mailing Lists are full of experts and are generally friendly. I found LOTS of help and, maybe even more important, lots of sympathy for my troubles on these excellent areas

Bristol Owners' Club Forum...

Bristol Owners' Club Forum....

...e l'ottimo Gruppo Yahoo del BOC

...and the excellent BOC Yahoo Group

Bristol Cars Forum Bristol Cars Forum
Bristol Owners Drivers Association Bristol Owners Drivers Association
La pagina Web di Stuart Risebrow centrata sulle foto della sua bella 411 S1 Stuart Risebrow's Web pages with great pictures of his exquisite 411S1 an excellent site about Chrysler vehicles and their engines. Very useful

Un'ottima ML Yahoo per gli amanti dei motori Poly 318

A great Yahoo ML for Poly 318 engines

There are lots of very good sellers on eBay with an eye for Bristols (sarkblue is one of the best!) but as not all of them like to be advertised, I'd leave this space free to any seller who would like to have a place's free, of course!




Stefano Pasini, 03/07/2009, mod 15/01/2011


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