Stefano Pasini








Bar Principe, Bologna


Bar principe Bologna


Sometimes you really need a cocktail Martini even if you are forced, for unfathomable resons, to spend your day locked between the sanitary walls of a high-level private hospital like the famous ‘Villa Toniolo’ in Bologna. A real Martini enthusiast would not yeld to the utilitary constraints of everyday’s life renouncing to his classic appointment, at 7 p.m. sharp, with a stem glass filled to the brim by an ice-cold concoction of a great Gin and a ray of light as a symbol of the Martini vermouth. Bar Principe comes to the rescue of the weary doctor that, having duly finished his daily round, needs a stiff one before walking (not driving, please remember) back home; and it’s handy also for the weary patient after a long day of tests and visits

Bar principe Bologna


The Martini cocktail prepared by these specialists (Alessandro is portrayed here pouring the cocktail in a stem glass) is based on excellent gins, and this is always a great starting point; the quality of the ingredients that is fundamental. Mixed expertly (or, something we wouldn’t recommend, shaken) by Principe’s bartenders, this Martini is tasty, light and joined by a tasty assortment of canapés and brioches that make this a high-level aperitivo spot. Add to this the relentless pursue of perfection of these guys in choosing gins and wines and oysters and fish, and you can easily understand why this place is a very appreciated watering hole not only for Villa Toniolo’s wealthy patients (and M.D.s of course) but for many enthusiasts and connoisseurs in Bologna as well


Bar Principe
via Toscana 32/2,


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