Stefano Pasini



Per lubrificare i nostri giradischi


To lubricate our turntables


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Molti mi chiedono che olio uso per i miei giradischi. Ecco quelli che uso pių frequentemente



Many friends ask me what kind of oil do I use for my turntables. These are the oils I use more often.


Oils for 'Dry' Bearings:

Castrol GTX2, un grande classico per bronzine 'asciutte'

A classic for 'dry' bearings: Castrol GTX2

L'olio speciale della Thorens

Thorens' special oil

'Wet' Bearings:

Ballistol, un classico per bronzine 'umide' (EMT a puleggia)

A classic for wet bearings (idler-wheel EMTs): Ballistol

'Grease' Bearings:

Anche il grasso MP della Castrol č molto utile, non solo nei 301 'Grease Bearing'

Also the Castrol grease is useful, not only in the fabled 'grease bearing' 301

Tonearm Bearings:

Olio per treni elettrici Maerklin, molto raffinato

Extremely refined: Maerklin model-train oil

Un grande olio per le pistole Beretta

Beretta makes great guns, this is their oil

I don't recommend sewing-machine oil. Too 'thin' and of questionable quality, as it doesn't have to serve high-performance machinery; low price, low quality. Low-viscosity oils must be good anyway, that's why I recommend Ballistol or similar products for 'wet' bearings









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