Stefano Pasini

Da evitare

Avoid at all costs

This Christmas 1974 Greeting Card explains the philosophy of EMT
Do you want to see some pictures of the EMT turntables in their environment? Click here
Do you want to see some pictures of the other models of EMT turntables? Click here
Volete leggere una breve storia dei giradischi EMT? Cliccate qui
Il braccio Thorens TP-14 non è un EMT Thorens TP-14 arm is not an EMT
Imballare bene per il trasporto.... Proper packing is necessary....
Non modificate i vostri 930 Don't spoil your 930s
Non comprate un 930 ex-NRU... Don't buy a ex-NRU 930...
Cliccate qui per i link EMT ->

<- Click here for the EMT links

Avete foto, informazioni, etc, su EMT? Per favore, contattatemi alla mia e-mail

If you have pictures, information, etc about EMT classic turntables, please contact me


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